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- hybrid/segmented downselect - November 15
- collimators (mid- December)
- Review irradiation papers by mid-December
- beam pipes and enclosures - Start mid-February
- 60% Design review to do a prototype (possible spare) March 8th
- Freeze design by February 7th (config 9)
- collimator 5, 6 dimensions needed
- Envelopes - before end of February
- Dates for upstream 60% Fall 2020?
- 90% Design (everything!) - CD2/3 Review
- DirRev - July 2023
To be reviewed:
Ongoing Work
For both upstream and downstream coils, check with symmetric, asymmetric coils, and target motion
- Number, z location and inner radii of collimators
- Envelopes
- Actual envelop (what gets through a collimator)
- Envelop for what hits the detector
- Less subjective algorithm
- 2D - integrate in x, y
- 1%, 10% of rate?
- Beam vs. ee and ep generators at detector plane with backgrounds
- Careful evaluation of all sources in the deconvolution
- Charge particles
- Photons
- Light guide background
- Determine amount of background that is delta rays or air
- All info from vertex in one "container"
- Other info, like what detector it hit in another "target"
- Secondary signal electrons vs. true background electrons
- Add US and DS vacuum vessels, bellows, linkages, and US beamline to the simulation
- Study rare backgrounds from bellows and the linkages between strongbacks in the downstream (which should be stainless steel?) (expensive ferrous-free materials)
- Backgrounds as we degrade the vacuum (beam and acceptance)
- Tolerances
- Physics - Done
- Interference with envelopes - Done
- Doses on coils
- Clean transport to dump
Working Group Members
- Internal Working Group
- Ruben Fair (Project lead)
- Juliette Mammei (collaboration lead)
- External Working Group
- Review Committee Members (as needed)