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Revision as of 14:04, 24 February 2023 by Dion (Talk | contribs) (Working Group Members)

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  1. hybrid/segmented downselect - November 15 - done
  2. collimators mid- December - done
  3. Review irradiation papers mid-December - done
  4. beam pipes and enclosures - start mid-February
  5. 60% Design review to do a prototype (possible spare) March 8th
    1. Freeze design (config 9) by February 7th
    2. collimator 5, 6 dimensions needed ASAP
    3. Envelopes - before end of February
  6. Dates for upstream 60% Fall 2020?
  7. 90% Design (everything!) - DirRev - July 2023
    1. Ready for CD2/3 Review


To be reviewed:

  1. Specifications
  2. Nomenclature
  3. Radiation dose papers
  4. Song sheet

Ongoing Work

For both upstream and downstream coils, check with symmetric, asymmetric coils, and target motion

  1. Number, z location and inner radii of collimators
  2. Envelopes
    1. Actual envelop (what gets through a collimator)
    2. Envelop for what hits the detector
    3. Less subjective algorithm
      1. 2D - integrate in x, y
      2. 1%, 10% of rate?
  3. Beam vs. ee and ep generators at detector plane with backgrounds
  4. Careful evaluation of all sources in the deconvolution
    1. Charge particles
    2. Photons
    3. Light guide background
  5. Determine amount of background that is delta rays or air
    1. All info from vertex in one "container"
    2. Other info, like what detector it hit in another "target"
    3. Secondary signal electrons vs. true background electrons
  6. Add US and DS vacuum vessels, bellows, linkages, and US beamline to the simulation
  7. Study rare backgrounds from bellows and the linkages between strongbacks in the downstream (which should be stainless steel?) (expensive ferrous-free materials)
  8. Backgrounds as we degrade the vacuum (beam and acceptance)
The MOLLER spectrometer in TOSCA
Layout of the hybrid torus conductor

Working Group Members

  • Internal Working Group
    • James Fast (Project lead)
    • Juliette Mammei (collaboration lead)
  • External Working Group
  • Review Committee Members (as needed)

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