Thursday, March 26, 2020 2pm ET

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  • Slack signup
    • So far - Robin, Dave, Ruben, Probir, Sandesh, Kent, Sakib, myself, Rakitha
  • Notes from previous meetings
    1. February 27
      1. Design of Experiments - Determine minimum required set of DS torus coil sensitivity studies for Juliette - Probir - by 12th March
      2. Continue with assessment of forces and stresses for both DS coil options (include coil support structures and include additional potential electrical fault scenario identified by Ruben yesterday) - Sandesh - completion date TBD
      3. Confirm stability of power supplies at low operating currents - Ruben - completion date TBD
      4. Send scripts for magnetic field generation to Probir - Juliette
      5. Make new field maps with 5 magnets (vs 2) for both the Hybrid and Segmented - Probir - date TBD
      6. Select new US coil design and create new blocky model - Dave/Sandesh/Probir - completion date TBD
      7. Update Pugh matrix to include higher operating current and safer coil design criteria - Ruben - by 03.02.2020
      8. Send G10 coil support block locations to Juliette - Sandesh - by 03.02.2020
      9. Probir to arrange for telecon with Juliette to discuss how to distinguish between ee and ep envelopes in Probir's TOSCA model - Probir - date TBD
    2. March 12
      1. KK and JM confirmed that hybrid and segmented (both) are OK from the physics optics point of view. Need conformation in writing. (Action - KK/JM)
      2. Segmented version with improved sub-coil 4 to reduce voltage requirement (MPS) will be sent to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
      3. Provide segmented coil (asymmetric model) to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
      4. Provide hybrid coil configuration (asymmetric model) to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
      5. Provide a timeline to get the required data sets (JLab blocky models) for Points 2, 3, and 4. (JLab - Probir)
      6. Provide segmented coil (asymmetric model) using KK/JM suggestion for the asymmetry. (JLab)
      7. For Points 3 and 4, JLab to provide the ideal symmetry coil sets as a reference for evaluation. (JLab)
      8. JLab shared the sensitivity asymmetric configuration for Point 3 as planned.
  • Status updates
  • Next meeting


Attendance: Juliette, Sakib, Ruben, Dave, Chandan, KK, Probir, Randy, Renuka, Robin, Sandesh

  • Slack signup
  • Go over minutes/lists from previous meetings
  • Status reports
    1. February 27
      1. Design of Experiments - software "Crystal Ball" - 6 sigma tools
        1. reduce subset of studies (can't quantify output because we don't have a way to specify)
        2. look at the asymmetric models
        3. if we had aligned within tolerance - if true and can still meet the physics
        4. radial and z offsets
          1. maybe not do z at all because so insensitive
          2. radial offsets
          3. definitely will do the asymmetric models we've been given so far (stray fields, beam)
          4. how we interpret what we measure as an asymmetry in ring 5 (physics, generators)
        5. most likely offsets would be - all coils meet the geometry spec
      2. Forces and stresses
      3. Power supply stability
      4. scripts to generate field maps
    2. March 12
  • Next meeting

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