Thursday, March 26, 2020 2pm ET
From Moller Wiki
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- Slack signup
- So far - Robin, Dave, Ruben, Probir, Sandesh, Kent, Sakib, myself, Rakitha
- Notes from previous meetings
- February 27
- Design of Experiments - Determine minimum required set of DS torus coil sensitivity studies for Juliette - Probir - by 12th March
- Continue with assessment of forces and stresses for both DS coil options (include coil support structures and include additional potential electrical fault scenario identified by Ruben yesterday) - Sandesh - completion date TBD
- Confirm stability of power supplies at low operating currents - Ruben - completion date TBD
- Send scripts for magnetic field generation to Probir - Juliette
- Make new field maps with 5 magnets (vs 2) for both the Hybrid and Segmented - Probir - date TBD
- Select new US coil design and create new blocky model - Dave/Sandesh/Probir - completion date TBD
- Update Pugh matrix to include higher operating current and safer coil design criteria - Ruben - by 03.02.2020
- Send G10 coil support block locations to Juliette - Sandesh - by 03.02.2020
- Probir to arrange for telecon with Juliette to discuss how to distinguish between ee and ep envelopes in Probir's TOSCA model - Probir - date TBD
- March 12
- KK and JM confirmed that hybrid and segmented (both) are OK from the physics optics point of view. Need conformation in writing. (Action - KK/JM)
- Segmented version with improved sub-coil 4 to reduce voltage requirement (MPS) will be sent to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
- Provide segmented coil (asymmetric model) to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
- Provide hybrid coil configuration (asymmetric model) to JM to run a simulation. (JLab)
- Provide a timeline to get the required data sets (JLab blocky models) for Points 2, 3, and 4. (JLab - Probir)
- Provide segmented coil (asymmetric model) using KK/JM suggestion for the asymmetry. (JLab)
- For Points 3 and 4, JLab to provide the ideal symmetry coil sets as a reference for evaluation. (JLab)
- JLab shared the sensitivity asymmetric configuration for Point 3 as planned.
- February 27
- Status updates
- Next meeting
Attendance: Juliette, Sakib, Ruben, Dave, Chandan, KK, Probir, Randy, Renuka, Robin, Sandesh
- Slack signup
- Go over minutes/lists from previous meetings
- Status reports
- February 27
- Design of Experiments - software "Crystal Ball" - 6 sigma tools
- reduce subset of studies (can't quantify output because we don't have a way to specify)
- look at the asymmetric models
- if we had aligned within tolerance - if true and can still meet the physics
- radial and z offsets
- maybe not do z at all because so insensitive
- radial offsets
- definitely will do the asymmetric models we've been given so far (stray fields, beam)
- how we interpret what we measure as an asymmetry in ring 5 (physics, generators)
- most likely offsets would be - all coils meet the geometry spec
- Forces and stresses
- forces are different by segmented vs. hybrid, but not significantly
- in either case, will have to be considered carefully
- Power supply stability
- Verbal discussions - lower currents will have lower stability
- Scripts to generate field maps (Probir and Juliette offline)
- Models with single coils/subcoils (sent, individually adjust coil current by drive)
- US coil design blocky model (sent 3-25-2020, w/ asymmetric model)
- Pugh matrix (done)
- Dose at locations of the braces (sent, not included in geometry yet)
- Distinguish ee/ep envelopes (Probir and Juliette offline)
- Design of Experiments - software "Crystal Ball" - 6 sigma tools
- March 12
- Document the physics okay for hybrid and segmented (KK, Cip - mid-April)
- Improved subcoil-4 for segmented (still needed from Dave)
- no space to add current
- asymmetric seg
- asymmetric hyb
- timeline (coming - 2 is delayed a little)
- worst case model (for physics)
- provided with the asymmetric model
- got the model for the worst-case stray fields
- February 27
- Next meeting/deadlines
- Documents
- hyb/seg physics (couple weeks)
- tolerance summary (short and long) - mid-April
- stray fields along beamline (2016 Dec DR.03.R-06) during April complete studies - May 1
- Next meeting - April 9th
- Documents
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