Thursday, March 12, 2020 2:00pm ET
From Moller Wiki
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- Update on the sims for segmented vs. hybrid
- Next meeting
Attendance: Probir, Sandesh, Ranuka, Chandan, Ruben, Sandesh, Randy, Juliette, Cip, KK, Sakib
- Update on the sims for segmented vs. hybrid
- probably can use any - original blocky was probably better than modified
- why is one "better" than another
- epElastic - has to do with the correlation with the Al ela
- come full circle - both options are viable from a physics standpoint
- subcoil 4 - reorganize conductor so it was reduced in height
- How to go ahead
- forces - JLAB will be done
- sensitivity studies
- 3 or 4 cases which ought to be run
- just segmented so far (v1) offsets
- hybrid with offsets
- segmented with new subcoil 4
- where is the field the most important for you - to affect the re-tiling of the detector
- 3 or 4 cases which ought to be run
- Actions
- hybrid and segmented are ok - need writing
- provided seg with improved subcoil -> Juliette
- sensitivities - worst case compared to ideal case
- asymmetric segmented
- asymmetrical hybrid
- combination of steps - move all same coils, like 0.5 mm at a time (not for now)
- what about one where they are all radially outward (is this like what we do with one septant)
- have to be careful with the stray field in the beam simulation
- magnetic fields can interact and be higher than they would be just adding together
- timelines for when we can get the 3 data sets
- Keep 0th order tiling for the
- Next meeting
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