Thursday, April 9, 2020 2pm ET
From Moller Wiki
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Attendance: Chandan, Dave, Sakib, KK, Probir, Randy, Ruben, Renuka, Sandesh, Juliette, Jim Fast, Robin
- Status of the sensitivity sims (Sakib)
- Configurations defined (nominal, worst case for physics and beam)
- Septant 4 is the open septant in horizontal plane (beam right)
- Need an intermediate step - 6 and 4 asymmetry fit
- put in the asymmetry and extract something assuming that the field map is perfect
- Probir - what is the minimum E?
- go down to 10.4 - 10.6 GeV without changing anything
- if we know in time, then can go lower and adjust collimators
- Tentative Timeline
- April 23 - 1st results
- May 7 - conclusions
- June - tentatively downselect for hybrid
- Status updates
- Envelopes - Chandan
- field map - both segmented and hybrid
- collimators 1 and 2 should be the same; downstream of collimator 4 - coll 5 might be subtle changes
- lintels/collars - possibly subtle changes
- just create the envelopes without optimizing anything for
- Doses between the two
- on coils
- support straps
- Forces (Sandesh)
- Compared the force scenarios between the hybrid and segmented (Eric)
- Still need the temperature gradient for thermal motion
- Jim Fast question: concerned about twisting - deflection expected - at end of coil - 0.4 mm
- don't want to dump heat at inlet side
- Envelopes - Chandan
- Next meeting
- April 23rd - 2pm EST
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