Thursday, November 8, 2018 11am ET

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  1. Prototype testing status (Ernie)
  2. Decision matrices (Shared screen)
    1. SC magnet
    2. He vs. air
  3. Sensitivity Study Summary (Juliette) sensitivity pdf
    1. MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
      1. Are these the old envelopes?
    2. phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf
  4. Magnet Advisory Group Meeting Planning
    1. Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
    2. who are the members of the group?
    3. when should we have the meeting?


Attendance: David, Sandesh, Juliette, Jason, Ernie, Roger, KK, Cameron, Kent

  1. Prototype testing status (Ernie)
    1. working on getting it hooked up - reworking a few pieces
    2. number one priority
    3. mid-November still a possibility
    4. getting tech time
  2. Decision matrices (Shared screen)
    1. SC magnet
      1. in principle the current density could outweigh the rest with a high enough weight, but not likely
      2. real problem with deviations in the beam because of the heating
      3. horizontal bender in hall C gets 7 W dumped in it - won't die from mW
      4. integrated cost to run it (electricity plus refrigerator)
      5. capital cost of magnet is larger for short experiment
    2. He vs. air
      1. MOLLER executive board ad hoc committee
      2. use Pugh matrix
  3. Sensitivity Study Summary (Juliette) sensitivity pdf
    1. MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
      1. JLAB slides still have the old envelopes
      2. left is photon, right is electron envelop
      3. collimator 4 has moved without being re-sculpted
      4. Juliette needs to double-check the radii vs. z of the coils and the envelopes
      5. interference at 11300 mm goes away with new algorithm
      6. same for the one at 12600 mm
      7. photon collimator has a bigger gap?
        1. but b/c it is for the ep peak
        2. 12800 is the location of the upstream face of collimator 5 (photon collimator) 70 mm
      8. shielding cylinder in center could be extended to support the photon collimator (bkgds!)
      9. beampipe downstream of downstream vacuum box
      10. generate envelopes for offset coils
      11. look at raw data compared to envelop at several z locations
      12. 15200 mm problem with strongbacks
    2. phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf (skipped)
  4. Magnet Advisory Group Meeting Planning
    1. Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
      1. Robin is going to call for the meeting
      2. she will make the charge
    2. who are the members of the group?
      1. Dieter Walz, SLAC
      2. Vladimir Kashikhin, Fermilab
      3. Steve Williamson, UIUC
      4. Charles Neumeyer
    3. when should we have the meeting?
      1. early December
  5. JLAB update
    1. segmented magnet
    2. all 7 subcoils mounted together in each of the 5 zones
    3. able to get the right amount of current
    4. same size conductor - still has 20 turns getting NI is easy
    5. look at the water cooling options
    6. run layout to produce field maps
    7. 4 coils w/ 1, 1, 1 and 3.7 m - can we do 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 and

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