Thursday, November 8, 2018 11am ET
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- Prototype testing status (Ernie)
- Decision matrices (Shared screen)
- SC magnet
- He vs. air
- Sensitivity Study Summary (Juliette) sensitivity pdf
- MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
- Are these the old envelopes?
- phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf
- MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
- Magnet Advisory Group Meeting Planning
- Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
- who are the members of the group?
- when should we have the meeting?
Attendance: David, Sandesh, Juliette, Jason, Ernie, Roger, KK, Cameron, Kent
- Prototype testing status (Ernie)
- working on getting it hooked up - reworking a few pieces
- number one priority
- mid-November still a possibility
- getting tech time
- Decision matrices (Shared screen)
- SC magnet
- in principle the current density could outweigh the rest with a high enough weight, but not likely
- real problem with deviations in the beam because of the heating
- horizontal bender in hall C gets 7 W dumped in it - won't die from mW
- integrated cost to run it (electricity plus refrigerator)
- capital cost of magnet is larger for short experiment
- He vs. air
- MOLLER executive board ad hoc committee
- use Pugh matrix
- SC magnet
- Sensitivity Study Summary (Juliette) sensitivity pdf
- MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
- JLAB slides still have the old envelopes
- left is photon, right is electron envelop
- collimator 4 has moved without being re-sculpted
- Juliette needs to double-check the radii vs. z of the coils and the envelopes
- interference at 11300 mm goes away with new algorithm
- same for the one at 12600 mm
- photon collimator has a bigger gap?
- but b/c it is for the ep peak
- 12800 is the location of the upstream face of collimator 5 (photon collimator) 70 mm
- shielding cylinder in center could be extended to support the photon collimator (bkgds!)
- beampipe downstream of downstream vacuum box
- generate envelopes for offset coils
- look at raw data compared to envelop at several z locations
- 15200 mm problem with strongbacks
- phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf (skipped)
- MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook JLAB pdf, sheet 1,sheet2, Stonybrook slices pdf
- Magnet Advisory Group Meeting Planning
- Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
- Robin is going to call for the meeting
- she will make the charge
- who are the members of the group?
- Dieter Walz, SLAC
- Vladimir Kashikhin, Fermilab
- Steve Williamson, UIUC
- Charles Neumeyer
- when should we have the meeting?
- early December
- Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
- JLAB update
- segmented magnet
- all 7 subcoils mounted together in each of the 5 zones
- able to get the right amount of current
- same size conductor - still has 20 turns getting NI is easy
- look at the water cooling options
- run layout to produce field maps
- 4 coils w/ 1, 1, 1 and 3.7 m - can we do 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 and
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