Thursday, October 25, 2018 11am ET
From Moller Wiki
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- Prototype testing status (Ernie)
- MOLLER nomenclature (David) - Nomenclature pdf
- Do we just make a decision? What about consistency between systems?
- "Upstream" and "Downstream" instead of "Hybrid"
- Coil and sector sequencing from beam left going clockwise
- coils A-G
- sectors 1-7
- subcoils by electrical path in a given coil
- "Zones" defined by different NI
- A-D from upstream to downstream
- possibly an additional zone E in the "segmented" version
- subcoil string to define the set of subcoils in each coil in series
- Scope (in section 3)
- This is "magnets"
- "Spectrometer" needs to include more
- cross-sections - cross-sections pdf
- Downstream torus questions (David) - DS thoughts pdf
- Versioning generally is an issue as we go forward (item 1)
- Trade off studies - what has been done, what to do? (item 2)
- Water flow (items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 )
- Propose to deal with offline and/or at a later meeting
- Details of prototype winding (items 5, 6)
- Strongback design (items 7, 8, 20, 21)
- insulation (items 9, 10, 11)
- water flow (items 12, 22)
- phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf
Attendance: Randy, David, Roger, Juliette, Ruben, Probir, Sandesh, Rakitha, Jason, Ernie, KK, Kent, Jim
- Prototype testing status (Ernie)
- Pump came in
- getting hardware to set it up - waiting for little parts
- hoping to be complete next week
- pressure check and flow test each one
- water in one at a time, power to nominal numbers without water in adjacent coils
- if not powered, don't need to cool
- but if do add water into adjacent coils, does that help?
- try to match the flow rate? No - put certain pressure
- can throttle it back but can't go higher
- need to measure the flow rate each flowpath
- 2 subcoils have 2 flowpaths
- temperature
- have control of the chiller
- thermocouples on inlet and outlet to measure Delta T
- won't get coil close to 70 C because of epoxy
- risk of cracking epoxy between coils
- B stage, not vacuum impregnated
- check if epoxy is cracked - only visually
- thermal imager - tells you temperature of epoxy on outside
- tells you a distribution, can try to calibrate with inlet and outlet
- had to cover with tape at JLAB b/c acted like a mirror
- MOLLER nomenclature (David) - Nomenclature pdf
- Do we just make a decision? What about consistency between systems?
- "Upstream" and "Downstream" instead of "Hybrid"
- Coil and sector sequencing from beam left going clockwise
- coils A-G
- sectors 1-7
- in detectors - subsectors (open, closed and transition)
- region refers to along z (detector region, target region, etc)
- subcoils by electrical path in a given coil
- "Zones" defined by different NI
- A-D from upstream to downstream
- possibly an additional zone E in the "segmented" version
- subcoil string to define the set of subcoils in each coil in series
- Scope (in section 3)
- This is "magnets"
- "Spectrometer" needs to include more
- downstream of target, upstream of detectors
- water system up to where it attaches to the JLAB tower
- MIT - design chillers
- already considered Hall A infrastructure etc.
- same thing on DC power side - work with MIT as well
- meet with Cameron and Sakib, meet with detector group
- cross-sections - cross-sections pdf
- V5 is a new version
- tradeoff of prototype vs. number of flow paths, number of ceramic breaks
- blocky model - where is space available?
- taller conductor
- depending on hole size, you can optimize current density vs. pressure, etc.
- same winding as prototype
- allow water flow without getting into the particle envelopes
- should we look at the other large conductor model?
- envelopes and coil with proper slices coming from Stonybrook
- Downstream torus questions (David) - DS thoughts pdf
- Versioning generally is an issue as we go forward (item 1)
- Trade off studies - what has been done, what to do? (item 2)
- quadrupoles (KK)
- permanent magnets (Willy Falk had looked at this)
- single magnet
- need the pre-focussing
- see first director's review (Kent's slides)
- make front magnet like a potato chip (optimization)
- change the distance between the pancakes
- shape of the upstream toroid is providing prefocusing for mid-angle tracks
- this is not an easy problem - extreme angles, extreme energies
- worried about tolerances
- hybrid and upstream
- segmented
- iron in coils
- superconducting magnets
- 5 or 9 vs 7 coils
- why did we choose 7?
- What are the important things?
- Where can we go outside of the blocky model, if anywhere?
- can't interfere with the particle envelopes
- Where can we go outside of the blocky model, if anywhere?
- certainly for Director's review have to show why this design
- Water flow (items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 )
- critical parameters
- 15 ft/sec
- max temp 70 C
- max current density 21 A/mm^2
- low number of water flow paths
- different types of conductor
- number of flow paths per subcoil
- different level of pressure headers
- could consider higher current densities
- Propose to deal with offline and/or at a later meeting
- critical parameters
- Details of prototype winding (items 5, 6)
- Strongback design (items 7, 8, 20, 21)
- insulation (items 9, 10, 11)
- water flow (items 12, 22)
- adding more than 2 headers doesn't necessarily help
- Comparison
- first column is the prototype
- prototype with 2 headers is second column
- With V5 - the height is different could risk collapsing the walls
- need wall thickness for connecting
- off the shelf had a less than 1mm wall
- how do you actually make joints - brazed with pockucell 15 or 5?
- taper ends of ferrel to have a pressure drop over short ferrel
- really just aligning the thing
- what was done in the prototype - should find out because it could affect pressure drop
- will try to add the segmented coil to the spreadsheet
- large conductor model?
- Back to document
- segmented not easier to cool
- make a monolithic structure - pot all at once after B stage
- more flimsy without the epoxy
- vendor would rather use B stage and then pot at the end
- what keeps the coils from touching each other
- it has blocks in place before vacuum impregnation
- wrapped around coils with add'l fiberglass
- need to be able to move the coils slightly (BLAST, QTOR)
- make field uniform and zero it on the beamline
- map the field very carefully
- Hard mounting CLAS coils gave perfect alignment
- segmented coil doesn't win - how much more to do?
- new item 23
- does location of current make a difference in the MOLLER envelopes
- Roger has a new item
- putting in vacuum - power and current doesn't turn off instantaneously
- Paschen point for hydrogen - if leak in target
- sweet spot between vacuum and air
- interlock on magnet with hydrogen detectors?
- magnet never discharge?
- need to assign a risk factor and mitigation
- Measurement of the prototype coils
- how well designed are they?
- Magnet Advisory Group meeting
- after prototype testing?
- CD1 earliest is January/early February - before this
- just before the end of the year?
- 2-3 hour bluejeans meeting - call it an update
- Next year have the more "official" review
- Members
- Dieter Walz
- Vladimir Kashikin
- Steve Williamson
- Ruben's suggestion
- MIT guy
- Berkeley
- others?
- how much new
- prototype manufactured
- results of the tests
- segmented magnet
- steel in magnet not effective and not desirable for parity experiments
- haven't seen the large conductor or prototype
- solution to the winding of the prototype
- phase space studies
- summary of high current density magnets operation
- Summary
- convince that the coil as designed - happy with current
- have a CAD model that looks like it can be wound
- Next meeting
- week of the 5th - new time?
- phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf
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