Optics Meeting Sep 27 2022 230PM ET
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- Updates on sieve (Vassu)[1]
David, Ciprian, Vassu, Zuhal, Paul, Kate, James, Nathan
- (Kate) working to get more statistics on low-energy gammas at GEMs. Painful - many events time out after many CPU hours, even after adjusting some of the submission script settings to try to optimize.
- (Vassu) Has looked at all 3 low-energy passes, both sets of targets, for both elastic 12C and Moller generators, with the latest sieve. Files saved on /work disk.
- At pass 1, there are only three well-separated holes (31,71,72) (all at large radii). These three have relatively low rates also. Should we consider also running with a modified magnetic field to bring more data into acceptance at one-pass? Vassu will try running with +- 5% B field settings.
- Try adding back phi, phi' to fits for theta. Doesn't seem to improve the fit results, even when used phi-phi_offset as the variable. Also fitting phi_target using all 4 variables doesn't improve phi fit.
- pass 2 fits are less good than pass3 - problem perhaps due to using both foils in target?
- (David) Request for Vassu: Make tables of the fitting parameters (the a, b_0, b_1, etc.) for each of the beam energies. This is effectively a table for the parameters vs. E'. Can we make smooth functions i.e. a(E'), b_0(E') which we can then interpolate/extrapolate to get the fitted function for arbitrary E'? This can be applied directly to Moller data to get (from the GEM data) the acceptance as 2D function of (E',theta). One can even do this (in simulation, at least) at intermediate beam energies (pass 1.5, pass 2.5) which may be impractical im experiment, but can be used to check smoothness of E' dependence in fits to GEANT4 simulations.
Meeting link information
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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403
Passcode: 4937
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