Optics Meeting Oct 04 2022 230PM ET

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Kate, David, Vassu, James, Ciprian, Zuhal, Paul S.


  1. (Kate) has tweaked submission parameters for the low-energy photons using the beam generator by increasing the amount of RAM (250 MB to 5 GB) per core, and reducing number of cores to one; may has made some improvements in ability to get jobs through. Will try a single event interactively also.
  2. (Kate) almost ready to run optics fitting scripts on simulated data with the "trigger scintillator" material included to mock up the effect of the total radiation length of the GEMs and scintillators.
  3. (Vassu) working on test of scaled magnetic fields on the separation of holes in problematic cases.
  4. (Vassu) implemented local phi vs. global phi in the fits; no effect sign in pass1. Will look at pass3 where we are fitting more holes at the same time, where we might be more likely to see an effect.

Meeting link information

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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403

Passcode: 4937

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