Optics Meeting Jul 31 2024 1100AM ET
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- Dead Sector Plots [Vassu] [1]
- B-field sensitivity studies [Kate, Buddhika]
David, Vassu, Buddhika, Paul S., Andrew, James, Juliette, Kate
- (Vassu): (slides: [2]) Have looked at the effect of dead GEM HV sector on optics studies, using the one sector that is dead in the first SBY production prototype. Generated hit maps with sieve collimator for 12C elastics for GEM layer 1 and GEM layer 4, for passes 1,2,3,4 and for US and DS 12C foils. Assumed GEM 1 inner radius at 590 mm and GEM 4 at 650 mm (beam center to edge of active area). Note: plots are looking in upstream direction, i.e. beam right is on the left of the plots. For pass 3 and pass 4 data, the hole images are all at smaller radii than the detector sector, so no problem there. However, for pass 1 and pass 2 there is not any sector location at which none of the hole images in at least one of the three minimal rotation angles doesn't overlap the dead HV sector (this is true whether or not the dead sector is on the left or right of the GEM midplane). There are some choices of sector in which the overlaps are reduced - in particular, for sector 5. In the case of sector 5 (by David's estimation) of the 8 combinations of US/DS foil, GEM 1/GEM 4, pass1/pass2, there are only problems for the four combinations at pass 1, for one particular sieve hole. Of course, if the other 3 GEMs in this sector are fully efficient, then our 3 out of 4 GEM layer hit requirement would mean we could still have full efficiency for this sector. Tentative conclusions: there is no simple solution that would allow us not to worry about accepting this GEM. However, if we need to, a judicious choice of which sector to install it in should minimize the impact. Everyone should think about this.
- (Kate, Buddhika): has been able to run test simulation using one of Buddhika's new B-field maps. Will do basic sanity check of looking to see distortions in unscattered beam at main detectors. Buddhika working on learning to run remoll with ComputeCanada cluster.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans, or Ciprian Gal for Zoom link