Optics Meeting Jul 17 2024 1100AM ET
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Tyler, Vassu, David, Kate, Paul S, Zuhal, Buddhika
- (Buddhika) Has generated TOSCA magnetic field maps with upstream toroid displacements of +-1 mm, +- 2 mm. Where shouldm the field maps be posted? Zuhal: use http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/Moller/downloads/remoll/
- (Tyler) Made some improvements to the C++ optics fitting code, but the changes lead to bad results; working on debugging by selectively backing out the changes. Tyler's efforts on MOLLER will likely need to be reduced in a few month's time.
- (Vassu) working in analysis of GEM dead sector's effect.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong or Kate Evans for Zoom link