Optics Meeting Aug 14 2024 1100AM ET
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- General updates
David, Tyler, Buddhika, James, Zuhal, Paul A, Vassu
- (Buddhika): have field map files for the B-field configurations we had asked for; remoll files with low statistics generated, not enough to verify the expected distortions in unscattered beam trajectory. Working on higher statistics.
- (Kate via David): Evan is able to run remoll simulations now, and Kate will meet with him tomorrow to go over how to send jobs to the farm and make CSV files for the magnetic field study.
- (Tyler): has fixed bug with his C++ fitting code. Now working to clean up code by removing functionality (i.e. identifiying which holes the tracks came from, cuts to eliminate radiated events) that will be done in advance of this code. Will push to github when ready.
- (David): reviewed conclusions (see last meeting's minutes) on accommodating GEM with dead HV sector. Will communicate to project management that we don't want to accept a GEM with this missing sector as an operational chamber, unless we are forced to be using spares.
- (Vassu, David): next meeting, plan on a review of kinematic factor extraction procedure.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans, or Ciprian Gal for Zoom link