Optics Meeting Feb 14 2023 230PM ET

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  1. (Kate) Initial results for optics reconstruction with different magnetic field maps [1]


Kate, Zuhal, David, Tyler, Bill, Vassu, Michael D., Ciprian, Paul S., Jim


  1. (Kate) Reconstruction seems to work OK with the "asymmetric" field map from spectrometer group. Hard to see diagnostics of the changed map in the reconstructed data.
    1. These are not yet the "worst case" field maps; the "asymmetric" field map is one that could easily arise if the coils are moved around within their nominal tolerances. Should try getting the "worst case" field map.
    2. Should try reconstructing the "asymmetric" field map data using the fit parameters from the "ideal" field map, and look for effects on the reconstructed theta, phi, etc.
  2. (all) Note that the magnet will allow us to turn off individual ones of the 5 coil segments to generate very different B-field maps, if we wish, as a diagnostic. We might try this in simulation to see what it might teach us, and whether it would be worth adding to the run plan.
  3. (David) Was reminded that we still need to develop the algorithm to get the fit parameters from track reconstruction entirely from the data, i.e. from knowing the exact positions of the sieve holes, with minimal use of the GEANT 4 simulations (i.e. not knowing the true scattered theta from G4, just knowing the target foil in Z and the sieve hole R value to get the scattering angle).

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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403

Passcode: 4937

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