Monday, March 6, 2023 9am ET
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Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- UVa: Lintel simulations
- Manitoba: report on standalone code status
Business arising from Status Reports
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Attendance: Juliette, Dave, Mike, Ernie, Kent, Andrew, Cip, Danielle, Jim, Jason, Krishna, Naz, Noel, Prakask, Probir, Sakib, Vladimir, Tricia
- testing rod ends (real ones $400 per) so doubling them isn't an option
- get about a 0.5 mm backlash w/ current rod ends.
- tracking number of drawings and what is needed for CD3a
- meeting with Plansee - updated drawings are in process
- cleaning IP from the Plansee drawings
- need spec and functional requirement so they can go to for competitive bids
- Roark Industries
- working on FEA simulations
- generating a schedule
- UVa: Lintel simulations
- lintels overlapped the bulkhead in simulation (needs to be updated to current CAD)
- repositioning for engineering constraints related to the downstream move
- looking at collar 1 inner radius (taper and mean radius)
- Dave needs radial position of the lintels
- will confirm the inner radius points (8 of them) 9.4196 mm 9643.99 mm
- Manitoba: report on standalone code status