Monday, March 13, 2023 9am ET

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Standing Agenda

Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)

  • Discussion of radiation field inside the DS torus (Cip, Zuhal)
  • Plan/discussion for field mapping during assembly (all)

Status Reports not covered by urgent items

  • JLAB
  • MIT
  • UVa:
  • Manitoba:

Business arising from Status Reports


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Attendance: Juliette, Cip, Probir, Danielle, Dave, Eric, Ernie, Jim F., Jason, Jim K., Kaiyi, Kent, KK, Sakib, Sandesh, Vladimir, Mike

  • Discussion of radiation field inside the DS torus (Cip, Zuhal)
    • Where would the thermistors be? (RTDs - not thermistors)
    • environmental splices on flags
    • could put splices on the bulkheads
  • Plan/discussion for field mapping during assembly (all)
    • No plan to measure the field in the hall
    • 10 days allocated - TO DO: draft test plan for in hall
    • separate days for instrumentation checkout
    • need to know whether it causes conflicts with other things things in the Hall
    • can test all but TM4 at full current (only 1/3 current) concerned about things moving
    • Can actually measure the coil epoxy thickness (Sandesh working on this)
  • Simulation priorities list
    • need evaluation summaries