Monday, February 20, 2023 9am ET
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Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- UVa
- Kent summarized the fastener simulation docdb:1015
- Prakash has lintel study results docdb:1018
- Manitoba
- Dose calcs for W, Pb, and Bi (Naz)
Business arising from Status Reports
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Attendance: Juliette, Mike, Kent, Ernie, Jim F. Vladimir B., Kris Cleveland, Dave K., Cip, Kent, Sakib, Naz, Ryan, Probir, Sandesh, Eric
- permeability measurements (Vladimir B.)
- 5% uncertainty; calibrated with supplied calibration sample (1.36 for our model)
- various materials for hardware in the DS
- Measurement range of mu = 1.001 - 1.999 w/ (mu-1) * 5% accuracy
- 3D printed holder mounted in rig to maintain a perpendicular probe to sample geometry
- set up almost ready for QA measurements
- Questions
- Silicon Bronze tested in past - see [3]
- how else does 485 come (besides rods)?
- very accurate, consistent OD on rods
- Available in square stock from McMaster
- sims on fasteners (Kent)
- 1E-3 good for most things
- sim: 4E-3, 6e-3 - good luck that limit of Ferromaster is 1e-3
- most sensitive in TM4 region
- Update SRD: the fasteners in their current positions require susceptibility less than 0.002. If fasteners are added or moved, then the susc. limit would need to be re-evaluated; bulkead items have not yet been completed evaluated
- FEA results of the DS belly plates (Kris C.)
- Master Bond EP33 shear stress limit of - 2200 psi (Al - Al)
- Stress analysis assume 4 piece plate @ 3 mm thickness
- ~250 psi (mesh element 2 layers thick, with quadratic elements)
- don't need as many breaks in the W?
- lintel study results (Prakash) -> Next week
- Dose calcs for W, Pb, and Bi (Naz) -> Next week