Monday, March 20, 2023 9am ET
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[hide]Standing Agenda
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
- Change control for TM4 lifting points
- Procedural for how items go through that conversation
- Collimator 1 design options (MIT) - look at the drawings
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- UVa:
- Manitoba:
- New TOSCA maps/files updated simulations
- Sakib has been updating the geometry, beamline, and enclosures, etc. - excess electrons w/ updated geometry
Business arising from Status Reports
Juliette, Probir, Dave, Kent, Sakib, Ernie, Eric, Jim, Jason, Prakash, Sakib, Sayak, Tricia
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
- Change control for TM4 lifting points
- Dave proposed. Jim rejected. Doc prepared. Will send to Kent as TB chair.
- TB review
- CCB review
- Collimator 1 design options (MIT) - look at the drawings
- may not need any changes
- new ideas about 13.9 inner radius minimum and a small flat at that z will be discussed with Plansee
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- Documents being signed off on
- meeting this afternoon about coil manufacturing (pot side plates with the coils - how?)
- UVa:
- Manitoba:
- New TOSCA maps/files updated simulations
- all four configs
- contour of field outside of the magnet
- prototype coils still being studied
- stack heights - closer to minimum than maximum
- geometry looks good
- Sandesh looking at depth/position of conductor in the insulation
- furnace braises for water outlets, "no" leaks (10E-10 calibrated leak detector)
- Sakib has been updating the geometry, beamline, and enclosures, etc. - excess electrons w/ updated geometry
- New TOSCA maps/files updated simulations
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