IntegrationDaq 240628

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


Open Issues to be followed up later

  1. Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
  2. Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
  3. Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available


Recording at zoomgov:

Participants: B. Moffit, W. Gu, P. King, R. Michaels, R. Conaway, A. Sen, K. Dehmelt, J. Pan, Z. Ji, B. Shaw, B. Blaikie, S. Kundu, M. Gericke, C. Ghosh, D. Bishop, S. Chatterjee, H. Liu

  • I have made edits in the specification document, and I think that it is basically complete from my perspective.
    • Michael doesn't think he needs to add anything else to it
  • Bryan & William
    • He has the two two MOLLER-ADCs connected to a VME-TI
    • He's monitoring the VME-TI trigger out, and William has a modified the ADC firmware to send the trigger signal out to the back panel output
    • They can walk the trigger as seen by the ADC by up to ~1 us, and they see the trigger time move appropriately
    • There are several firmware updates in the TI module
    • They can read out the TI trigger bank
    • He has a zmq port for the TI registers
    • There are still a few issues that Bryan and William that are still tracking down, that are inconsistencies in the firmware response.
    • These tests show the hardware is working and the signals are getting where they need to on the board
  • Daryl thinks that with Bryan and William's recent work he'd be comfortable to make the final layout updates, and then we'd be ready to send out the production order
    • Daryl will make the updates within the next few weeks; Michael guesses that the production order would then go out around the end of July
  • Michael asks if one of the two ADC modules could be taken up to W&M in the early fall to be used for the detector tests
    • Bryan thinks that the remainder of the synchronization tests could be finished in a month or two
      • After that point, most of the development would be to build up experience with the board to get ready for larger-scale testing
    • Maybe it is better to get a third ADC for use at W&M. TRIUMF has two and will send one of them to Michael; they'll use it for tests at Manitoba for the rest of the summer and then bring it to W&M in the fall.
  • Digital BCM readout through a V2495
    • They have verified that the V2495 can decode the serial data from the digital receivers
    • They have set up an internal test where the V2495 sends a 32-bit-wide parallel data stream over a parallel cable to the decoder module.
      • This is fast enough data transfer to allow us to resolve the 10us spin flip
    • Testing of doing integration using an external gate
      • Sending two bursts of Manchester data with different time spacings.
        • With the serial transmission, the two bursts merge and the initial data burst is lost. (Note that 28 bits should take ~28us to be transmitted with the current transceiver speed on the digital receiver).
        • Either getting a higher data rate transceiver or parallel data transfer from the digital receiver would be possible to get to the 10us spin flip resolution
    • Bob had talked with Chad Seaton, and the instrumentation group thinks that a faster transceiver would be possible
  • We will not have the counting DAQ meeting on 5 July; the next DAQ meeting will be the integration DAQ meeting on 12 July