IntegrationDaq 240614
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
- Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
- Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available
Recording at zoomgov:
Participants: P. King, B. Moffit, K. Dehmelt, R. Michaels, M. Gericke, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, A. Sen, B. Blaikie, W. Gu, J. Dutta, J. Pan, H. Liu, D. Bishop, D. McNulty, S. Kundu
- I need to take the discussions from last meeting and update the specification document, and then we need to discuss it with Bryerton
- Bryan: they have the two rev1 boards connected to a single TI module
- They can verify that the MOLLER-TI node is receiving the 250MHz clock
- They can send triggers and syncs, but they are not being decoded properly in the MOLLER-TI node.
- They can see in a register that they
- Bryan is able to access the TI registers in the node through the zmq
- Debugging is continuing
- Brynne: they are finishing testing the other ADC modules to be able to send the other modules out to the
- Michael: we need to finish the specifications and especially the TI testing before going to the full production
- Michael and Daryl discuss the possible change from QSFP to SFP+
- This would be another change on the board, because we do have all four lanes connected from FPGA to the connector
- Keeping the QSFP and using QSFP-to-SFP+ converters; these are approximately 50$ or so and would replace the
- If we wanted to use more than one lane of the QSFP, we'd need to implement it in the FPGA later
- We'll keep the QFSP on the board and use QSFP-to-SFP+ adapters---Michael and Paul will discuss if the adapters will be part of the ADC deliverable or part of the "DAQ networking" deliverable
- Bryan asks about the front panel "reset" input
- Daryl says that it goes through an opto-isolator, so the exact signal type is pretty insensitive. More than 1V with a minimum 10 us should work