IntegrationDaq 240712

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion

Open Issues to be followed up later

  1. Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
  2. Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
  3. Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available


Recording at zoomgov:

Participants: R. Fair, R. Michaels, P. King, W. Gu, I. DeBord, S. Chatterjee, Z. Ji, M. Gericke, D. Bishop, J. Pan, C. Ghosh, R. Conaway, A. Sen, S. Regmi, J. Datta, B. Shaw, D. McNulty

  • Daryl has started with the layout changes, but hadn't really got into it. He thinks that he can get to it next week
  • Bryerton will look through the specification document and get back to us with any questions or clarifications needed next week
  • Bryan is on vacation this week, and didn't have an update
  • Brynne is not available today, but has been continuing the testing. Michael thinks their testing is basically done, as they have started to ship out the modules
  • Bob is waiting for the final layout changes to order the chassis, as the back panel connectors will change in the new layout
    • The front panels will be the same for the twin-ax and single ended boards.
  • Michael and I need to follow up about how many boards we need to have in the single-ended mode, as the fabrication is slightly different
    • We should think about how we keep track of which modules are single or double ended, so we know how we need to swap them if needed.
  • Dustin has received another MOLLER ADC, and they are starting to ramp up their linearity testing
    • He expects that they'd be able to give a presentation in a few weeks, but so for it is going well
  • Daryl and Bryerton will forward the specs on the PoE+ switch that they are using. This was in respect to the problem that Bryan had with powering the ADC. The ADC ought to be consuming 30W or less, which ought to be within the PoE+ spec.
    • Michael had an issue with his switch that he could not plug in more than two ADCs (although his switch ought to have had sufficient power)
      • Michael can try to look at the power drawn from his switch as he plugs in each module
    • Bryerton just checked what their ADC is actually drawing; it is drawing about 25W, but it is linked up as a PoE++ device. Daryl thinks it might be that the ADC is using the 4-wire rather than 2-wire, and PoE+ switches may or may not be able to support the 4-wire transfer.
  • Are we ready to decide that we will use PoE+ as the power supply for the boards?
    • We think we do want to go with PoE, but there was an open question if it gave us sufficient ground isolation
    • The internal power supply of the board is floating w.r.t. the PoE supply, with a safety resistor, so it ought to have pretty good isolation
    • Michael and Brynne will try a test to see if we have any differences in the noise seen by two modules plugged into the switch, but other than that test we're not sure how else to characterize it.
    • We should probably inform the TB about the choice to use PoE and the limits of our ability to characterize the ground isolation
  • Michael asked about the crate controllers that we are planning to use; the boards are in the Concurrent Technologies VP-E2x family. Paul will check on the exact model number
    Note added: The CPUs are model number VP E24/412-12.