IntegrationDaq 240531
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Open Issues to be followed up later
- Discussions with M. Pitt & J. Musson to understand the beam monitor signals we'll be getting
- Draft timing diagram: DocDB 790
- Michael, Bob, Brynne, and Paul should put together a list of the integrator running modes we would like to have available
Recording at zoomgov:
Participants: R. Michaels, P. King, C. Cuevas, A. Sen, B. Blaikie, K. Dehmelt, D. Bishop, B. Moffit, W. Gu, Z. Ji, J. Pan, S. Regmi, B. Shaw
- Discussion of how the TI integrate signal would be handled
- Right now he isn't using the TI to generate a trigger signal yet
- How deep could a look back be? Right now there isn't one.
- Maybe the better way to handle the "lookback" would be to adjust the trigger time to be earlier
- We would want an option for the number of blocks, and for the number of samples per block
- Markers for the streaming mode: one bit to indicate that we are in the integration period, a second bit to indicate if we are in an even or odd subblock
- While integrating (# of blocks)*(# of samples) the FPGA will present a busy signal to the TI block.
- William will follow up on how to communicate the busy to the TI block
- Question on if we should use SFP+ or stay with the QSFP
- Would we ever use more than one link out of the QSFP? Maybe not, but Michael might have other ideas
- Currently the CPU can send 1G of data, over either the copper or the fiber. This would be for the integration data.
- We think it is better to keep the QSFP on the module, and use a QFSP-to-SFP+ adapter to go to a SFP+ switch
- Question on the SD card holder
- Bryerton has found a vertical SD card holder that he's sent to Daryl
- Question about how the clocks would be synchronized
- Right now the ADC sample clock is generated using a "divide-by-17" counter on the 250MHz trigger, and it is free-running (so two modules might not be measuring at the same moment)
- We think it will be best to use the TI clock-sync to reset the "divide-by-17" counter, so that all modules have the same phase of the "divide-by-17". This gets sent by the TI at the beginning of a data run.
- Bryan has the two ADC modules and is getting set up
- The 250 MHz clock is getting down to the FPGA
- He doesn't see the triggers and doesn't see the sync reset. This seems to be different from the version that they had been using in March
- These would be seen in registers within the TI block. He'll follow up with Bryerton