CountingDaq 240719
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- Simona: HALOG 4312817, MOLLER counting DAQ: SPE VTP trigger
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: S. Malace, P. King, B. Moffit, P. Souder, B. Blaikie, R. Michaels, C. Ghosh, Z. Ji, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee
- Simona: Testing with the VTP-based SPE trigger
- The VTP is looking at the channel 0, which is the LED trigger pulse, to form the trigger, and requires the pulse to be a certain number of samples wide (currently 6) and the threshold
- The PMT signal can not be passed through a long cable due to timing with the trigger signal in the FADC. This leads to the PMT pulses being very narrow.
- She has not done testing with the cosmic trigger yet, has been focused on the SPE data collection
- Bob asks about the process for making more complicated VTP triggers
- Kate (from W&M) will be helping with the pion detector cosmic trigger testing once the test stand is moved to the other space in the Test Lab
- We asks about the analysis
- Chandan recommends that we standardize on the same bank number for the FADC data in all our test stands.
- Slow progress on getting the equipment moved to JLab for the W&M test stand set up but it is progressing
- Simona asks if we could set up an index of the counting DAQ meetings to make it easier to find specific discussions
- I will set up a starting point and then ask the group for the initial keywords