CountingDaq 240802
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: R. Michaels, B. Moffit, A. Sen, S. Malace, Z. Ji, C. Ghosh, S. Regmi, D. McNultu, S. Chatterjee, P. Souder
- Progress on the W&M
- The VXS crate has been brought to W&M. Ohio is still working on getting the server and networking equipment brought there
- We plan to have our front end systems on a private network accessed through the server.
- Sayak says that UMass people will be at W&M in the last week of August. Sayak is willing to come down a little earlier to help with the DAQ set up if it was useful. Arindam, Sayak, and Paul will discuss this later this afternoon.
- Simona: the counting DAQ test stand will probably be moving from the TEDF area to the Test Lab about the week after next
- That counting DAQ setup would be used for tests of the pion detectors
- A similar one would be set up in the ESB to be used for development of the full VTP trigger
- See and
- Simona will make a few changes to her VTP trigger code to have one for the W&M tests
- Chandan: progress with the MOLLER GEM analysis
- He has made changes starting from the SBS GEM analysis to be able to decode the MOLLER trapezoidal GEM chamber
- He has a few more changes to be able to skip the first several channels in each APVs that we don't have connected to the readout strips, and then would work on the more general counting mode analysis
- The test stand has three INFN GEMs and two MOLLER GEMs. The goal is to measure the efficiency of the MOLLER GEMs
- We will not have the integrating DAQ meeting next week (August 5). Bob will be running the counting DAQ meeting on August 16th.