CountingDaq 240216

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
  Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion


Recording on Zoom:

Participants: S. Malace, P. King, R. Michaels, K. Dehmelt, S. Chatterjee, B. Blaikie, D. Armstrong, D. McNulty, H. Liu, S. Regmi

  • Activity updates
    • The FADC order is getting ready to go out from OU in parallel with the JLab order
    • On Monday, Feb19, the space in the test lab will start to be prepared.
    • Simona: she will stay in the existing work space for now. She has an ePAS for the test-stand there (JLab-PR-1928). Eventually would be ready to move to the new space
    • Simona met with Ben to get the example code for the VTP trigger.
      • She expects to have a version in two weeks for the pion detector test stand (four crossed scint paddles, with a trigger formed in the VTP).
    • Discussion of the MOLLER trigger
      • David's document about trigger requests:
      • Ryan had a starting point for the VTP trigger which attempted to address many of the features in David's document. I had thought we'd sent it to Simona, but will send it to her soon, to see if that is useful as a comparison
      • David asks about if we wanted the HVMAPS as a trigger source.
        • Paul's recollection of talking with Michael about this was that there was not an easy way to get a signal from the HVMAPS to be used as a trigger input, and we would not need to specifically trigger on the HVMAPS
        • Likely we would use a ring 5
    • When do we set up at W&M and what do we need to have there?
      • We will want the set up by early summer. First detectors are due at W&M in ~mid-June.
      • We need to support two segments (16 PMTs) plus some scintillator trigger. Mostly cosmic testing, but also some integrating DAQ
      • Simona asks how many channels we'd need to support at W&M: 16 thin quartz, four signals from large scintillators and maybe two smaller scintillators per segment, and perhaps two shower max detectors.
        • Sayak reports that they are looking at having two smaller scintillators for the cosmic stand, to constrain the solid angles of cosmics through the detector stack, but the details are still under evaluation
        • We'll need to think about what the trigger would look like for this set up: would it be
      • Depending on how much cosmic data we need for each segment/detector element, we might need to have two parallel DAQ systems set up at W&M to be able to test both the TQ and SM