CountingDaq 240202

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
  Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion

work space for DAQ at JLab ...


Recording on Zoom:

Participants: B. Moffit, P. King, R. Fair, D. Armstrong, A. Sen, R. Michaels, M. Gericke, D. McNulty, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, H. Liu, J. Datta, C. Ghosh, S. Malace

  • Activity updates
    • Move of DAQ test stands at JLab
      • Bob (with Walt Akers) has identified a new space in the high bay of the test lab. It currently has the RICH detector
      • Bob thinks that Simona could be able to relocate into the new space in a week or two
      • Simona is working on the ePAS for her test stand
        • She will need to add people to the ePAS; we should follow up offline with who should be on the list.
        • She will use the system to test pion detector elements
    • Dustin says that he'd want some space for non-linearity studies.
      • Should this be at JLab or at W&M? Maybe have options for both
        • Michael would plan to do linearity studies at UM before sending the PMTs to W&M, but would want 16-channels of both counting and integrating modes to verify each pair of segments as they are assembled.
    • Jaydeep is setting up a DAQ system at Stonybrook. They have 10 APVs, backplane, MPD, and VME crate. They have been in communication with Chandan to get their CODA system set up. They will be doing the readout through the backplane.
    • I've run into some administrative slowdowns for shipping the VXS crate to SBU
    • Bob and I will follow up with Simona if it would make sense for someone else to start the discussions with Ben about setting up the VTP triggers
      • Simona joined the meeting and she will be meeting with Ben on Tuesday to set up the VTP trigger and would expect to have a series of meetings with him.
    • Hanjie asks if this is an appropriate meeting for the polarimeter DAQ discussion. Hanjie and Bob and working on upgrading the Compton DAQ to use FADCs, and was asking who was working on the new DAQ for the electron detector. Dave Gaskell has meetings for the polarimeters on Wednesdays alternating weeks.
      • Hanjie is starting with the Hall C Moller DAQ
      • The Hall A Moller polarimeter will use GEMs---probably this would be similar to how the MOLLER GEM readout would be done. We should try to make sure
    • Michael presents two options for the DC-DC converters to deal with the low radiation hardness
      • One option would put them on sockets to allow replacement over a period of several weeks during a long down
      • Second option is to pull the DC-DC converters out of the main base assembly and shield them better
        • A sub-option of this would have more than one in the same housing, perhaps all 8 channels in one, or two sets of 4
    • Simona mentions that the UITF can be used for radiation testing. She'll check with Matt P. and follow up with Dustin and Michael.