Analysis Mtg 240819
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 2:00pm Eastern Location at JLab: CC F226 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested.
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Participants: C. Ghosh, P. King, W. Deconinck, S. Regmi, O. Hansen, J. Datta, A. Sen, J. Shirk, B. Udwaraarchchi, A. Hurley, S. Chatterjee, J. Mott, J. Tsakanikas, R. Conaway, P. Gautam, Z. Demiroglu, D. McNulty
- Paul hopes to get the merges done in japan-MOLLER ( this week.
- Chandan presents an update for the FADC analysis
- Do we want to routinely take the raw mode data, or just integrated pulse results?
- Do we want to have some sort of Pulse Shape Discrimination, such as taking the ratio of a long and short integration window
- Question: do we want to have a generic detector class, or dedicated classes for each detector type?
- Ole says that he thinks the Podd has a generic FADC decoder object which might be similar to a generic detector class.
- Question: do we want to analyze on a sector by sector basis or always analyze over the whole ring?
- We think it might be useful to be able to analyze a sector at a time
- Wouter asks if there is a way to generate mock data for the counting mode
- There have been digitizers developed, such as SBS, that can take the simulation output and feed them into the
- Wouter also asks what we want to get out of this analysis
- Chandan has the main focus for this version is on the FADC pulse height distributions, but eventually would incorporate the GEMs and tracking analysis
- Wouter mentions that the tracking analysis is going to need the prompt analysis while we are running
- How much of the data processing infrastructure can be made the same for both integrating and counting?
- We should be thinking about how to re-develop the analysis tracker that we had in Qweak
- Paul thinks that could probably work for both integrating and counting
- How is RCDB similar/different from the run database that Qweak used?
- Jaydeep asks about starting to do simulation for the transverse asymmetry analysis. This should be possible within the japan mock-data framework, but probably depends on getting Joachim's updated rates into the main branch.
- Paul has a conflict at the 2pm Monday time stating on August 26th. We will try to use the grand scheduling poll to determine a new meeting time by the end of this week, but if not we will cancel the meeting on the 26th. If you hadn't participated in the poll, please reach out to Rakitha as soon as possible.