Analysis Mtg 240829

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F326-327
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


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Participants: K. Paschke, P. King, J. Tsakanikas, Z. Demiroglu, J. Shirk, Sudip, C. Ghosh, D. McNulty, Jaydeep, A. Sen, W .Deconinck, R. Conaway, O. Hansen

  • Status of the pull requests
    • Paul has merged PR#20, whichis the EVIO library update. The new software is incompatable with the previous version of mock
    • Paul was working on testing of the PR#23
    • We will also go ahead with PR #28
      • This changed the the naming
      • Kent points out that the septant numbering that we are currently using may not quite match what was discussed with how the segments and septants are
    • Probably have Ryan try testing the TMapFile on the adaq
  • We had talked about working through the various compilation warnings
    • Ryan had started doing some of this. He and Paul will try to follow up. Wouter may also have a student who could put some time on it also.
  • Wouter asks about the performance studies
    • Isaac has a summary of the performance; Paul will get it put up on the DocDB
  • Kent reports on ongoing work to include correlations between the quartz detector elements
    • Joachim is starting to develop a model of what the correlations between the elements would be, and thinking about how to implement it
  • What are the next milestones for the software
    • I think the next thing to try would be a larger scale performance study to model handling something like an hour worth of data files.
    • We should think about what kinds of plots are useful for experts (and then work on those for the shift crews)
      • How do we get the information digested down to be useful for the shift crews?
      • Ole suggests that we could use hydra, but we would first need to figure out the plots we wanted and need a training set of good and bad plots.
  • Chandan has a counting-mode analyzer in his account on github ( and
    • He's done some testing on the FADC data from Simona's test stand
    • This is building on Podd from the SBS GEM decoding software