Analysis Mtg 240729

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  11:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F226
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


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Participants: J. Tsakanikas, O. Hansen, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, B. Uduwaraarachchi, A. Hurley, A. Sen, R. Conaway, P. Gautam, C. Ghosh, D. McNulty, P. King

  • Did not get the PRs from last week finished, plan to do them this week, then look at the few new ones.
  • Still need to work on looking at the compilation warnings
  • Isaac has looked at performance on the aonl machine
    • Running the full replay takes ~3-5 ms per event, even when running up to 10 jobs in parallel (no apparent slow-down for this many parallel jobs)
    • Disabling the ROOT outputs and only running with the helicity and beamline decoding takes about 0.3 ms per event; this is close to the processing the charge feedback analyzer would be doing, so that looks like that will be able to keep up with the data rate
    • For other realtime analysis, we'll have to see what throughput we can get using the TMapFile once that functionality is working again.
  • Ole reports that ROOT 6.32 should have the TMapFile working again.
    • He will install that in the counting house and we can start to do testing
  • Chandan is working on adapting the SBS analyzer for the MOLLER counting mode
    • It's not quite ready for other people to start getting involved but will be soon
    • We should use the same sort of naming scheme for the channels as we have for the integration analysis
      • One concept: Every eight FADC channels would be a single segment in order of ring elements
  • I will be unable to participate in the meetings for the next two weeks. We will not have a meeting on the 5th. We will have a meeting on August 12 which Kent will chair.