Analysis Mtg 240401

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Meeting information


  • Updates
  • General discussion
    • No meeting April 8, so the following meeting would be April 15.


Participants: A. Sen, P. King, R. Conaway, Prakash, O. Hansen, M. Gericke, J. Mammei, W. Deconinck

  • I had merged PR#11 this morning. This disables the TMapFile support for ROOT versions with problems with libNew.
  • Paul is still working on merging the fixes for the macOS compilation from the standard JAPAN repo
  • No new progress on folks looking at the Qweak and PREX/CREX reference plots as discussed in the previous meeting.
  • Some discussion about the "GitHub Discussions"
    • Wouter has used in in some of the other repos in which he works.
    • It has now been enabled in the repo, so we can see if we find it useful
  • Wouter does recommend restarting the test suite and continuous integration tools within github
  • Wouter asks if we should look at the RNTuple instead of writing full TTrees/TFiles (
  • Wouter asks if there are architecture changes to allow features that we might want, such as database support
    • We have some MySQL support left from Qweak, but it is disabled in compilation. It may be broken if someone wanted to try enabling it. We had used the MySQL++ library, and so would need to also get that. And if we do want a DB, is MySQL the preferred choice
  • How do we want to accumulate results: all in digest output files, or in a database, or central xROOT server (JLab has a public facing server, can experimental protections be put on that?)