Analysis Mtg 240415

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Meeting information


  • Updates
  • General discussion


Participants: R. Conaway, P. King, O. Hansen, W. Deconinck, E. King, A. Sen, P. Gautam

  • Before the meeting started, Wouter asked if the meetings could be put into the JLab Indico system. Ole says that he had tried putting in a weekly meeting a while back, and had needed to get event services involved; it was kind of a big deal, which turned him off from trying it again. He notes that basically none of the weekly meetings are put into the JLab Indico.
  • Eric asks if there is a summary about the structure of the ROOT files.
    • Maybe Arindam and Ryan could start to put a short guide together, with guidance from Paul
      • Wouter asks if there to automate this so that we are able to update it easily as needed.
  • We discuss Ryan's work on supporting the new evio and CODA3
    • Ole mentions that the CODA3 documentation is pretty good, but there are some parts of the data structure which we might need to discuss with Dave Abbott to understand.
  • Prakash has generated and analyzed some mock data, but doesn't have a clear idea of what to be looking at in the ROOT file
    • Both he and Eric will benefit from getting a guide to the JAPAN outputs as dicussed above
  • Ole still plans to work on updating the test suite, but would be helped by getting the Mac fixes merged in
  • Prakash had taken a look at the RNTuple, and it seems like it is still "experimental"
    • Ole warns that the API on that might change, so if we did decide we wanted to try it we might be chasing a moving target
    • Prakash will take a look at the differences in TTree and RNTuple and what we might need to do differently if we wanted to try to use it.
  • Ole will look into how to access the xROOT system at JLab, both for us and for the currently running experiments