Analysis Mtg 240318

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Meeting information


  • Updates
  • General discussion
    • No meeting on March 25, next meeting will be April 1. We will also skip the meeting on April 8, so the following meeting would be April 15.


Participants: R. Conaway, P. King, E. King, Prakash, A. Sen, O. Hansen, K. Paschke

  • Paul is still working on merging the fixes for the macOS compilation from the standard JAPAN repo
  • Ryan is nearly finished with the modifications to standard JAPAN to use a new evio which allows us to analyze either CODA2 or CODA3 data files. This should be directly transportable into japan-MOLLER
  • Some discussion of plots for the integration mode
  • Discussion of PR #11, and the availability of the TMapFile
    • Ole says that the ROOT team is working on the libNew problem, and so hopefully it should be fixed before we start running. In the mean time we can use the older versions of ROOT which still have TMapfile support.
    • We should go ahead and do PR #11, and then later there would be a new PR once we know which ROOT versions would work.
  • We will keep the meetings at 11:30 on Mondays for the rest of the spring.