Monday, April 10, 2023 9am ET

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Standing Agenda

Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)

  • positioning the coils while taking into account the varying depth of the epoxy on the belly (see docDB 1047)
  • dose on the US torus box o-rings
  • Bellows 7

Status Reports not covered by urgent items

  • JLAB: DS coil prototype report
  • MIT
  • UVa
  • Manitoba

Business arising from Status Reports



Juliette, Dave, Mike, Kent, KK, Cip, Jim K, Jim F, Ernie, Eric, Vladimir, Tricia, Danielle, Sakib, Noel, Prakash, Sandesh, Probir

Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)

  • positioning the coils while taking into account the varying depth of the epoxy on the belly plates
    • epoxy surface exceptionally flat
    • depth varies because of conductor waviness (see docDB 1047)
    • Dave will work with the manufacturer - confident that we can get average thickness 1.3 mm with a max of 1.6mm
    • need to determine the average depth then position the coils so that the average inner layer of conductor starts at the desired radius (each coil may have a different "radius" to the W plate)
    • will be positioning using stick micrometers to the surface of the W belly plates, so the W thickness as well as the epoxy will come into play
  • Dose on the upstream o-ring
    • a W bar on either side near the o-ring seems to be sufficient
    • Cip will send dimensions and locations to Jim Kelsey, and Ernie
    • Mike will get the interface document updated
  • Bellows 7
    • leak tight
    • Susceptibility good (< 10E-3) everywhere except where they welded a NAMEPLATE !?!

Status Reports not covered by urgent items

Business arising from status reports

  • Note: Next Monday is an MIT holiday


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