Monday, April 17, 2023 9am ET
From Moller Wiki
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[hide]Standing Agenda
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
- Collaboration meeting agenda
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- UVa
- Manitoba
Business arising from Status Reports
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- bellows 7 neutral length shorter than it should be
- reviewing how it could have happened
- for 7 its okay, but we need to learn how to specify "properly"
- Project planning is getting "caught up"
- would like to be able to report on 3a procurements that have gone out
- Pion donut drawings are updated
- met with ETI about downstream production coils
- Probir working on meeting with mftr (OCEM)
- bellows 7 neutral length shorter than it should be
- UVa
- Manitoba
Business arising from status reports
- talk with Ernie about the possible asymmetricity of US coils (set up a meeting)
- KK, Jim, Mike, Ernie, Juliette
- week of 24th
- limit variations and measure well
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