Monday, April 3, 2023 9am ET
From Moller Wiki
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[hide]Standing Agenda
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
- Cip is investigating placement of the lead shielding required to shield the o-ring of the US enclosure docDB1040
- MOLLER received ESAAB approval so 3A items are being processed.
- Several items for Spectrometer have been submitted for purchase.
- Collaboration meeting is scheduled for May 5 and 6 (Sat)
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
- UVa
- Manitoba
Business arising from status reports
Business arising from Status Reports
Mike, Jim K, Jim F, Ernie, Sakib, Kent, Cip, Prakash, Vladimir, KK, Noel, Eric, Trisha, Sandesh, Dave, Probir, Naz, Jason, Jesse, Danielle
Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)
- ESAAB (Energy Systems Acquisition Advisory Board) awarded 3A. US conductors and DS option on current ETI contract were input and are working through the (JLab) system.
- Agenda for Collaboration meeting will be developed and distributed within the next 7-10 days.
- General format: technical content will be the focus of Fri May 5th.
- Cip presented more detailed simulations of dose on the o-ring seal for the US enclosure (
- Current design has 2 o-rings; one in board and one further from beam center. Dose appears to be higher inboard.
- Highest dose occurs adjacent at z of collimator 1
- Note dose units 2 MGy = 200 Mrad
- Cip will investigate shielding with W and Pb
- Discussed moving the o-rings further away from beam center as an option.
- Shielding will likely not be needed along the entire inside of the enclosure.
- Discussed dose studies of EPDM and viton. EPDM2 has been purchased and has data up to 200 MGy
Status Reports not covered by urgent items
Business arising from status reports
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