Monday, April 10, 2023 9am ET

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Revision as of 18:30, 10 April 2023 by Crowder (Talk | contribs)

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Standing Agenda

Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)

  • positioning the coils while taking into account the varying depth of the epoxy on the belly
  • dose on the US torus box o-rings
  • Bellows 7

Status Reports not covered by urgent items

  • JLAB: DS coil prototype report
  • MIT
  • UVa
  • Manitoba

Business arising from Status Reports



Urgent Items (Please inform Juliette or Mike about items to be added here)

  • positioning the coils while taking into account the varying depth of the epoxy on the belly plates
    • epoxy surface exceptionally flat
    • depth varies because of conductor waviness (see docDB 1047
    • need to determine the average depth then position the coils so that the average inner layer of conductor starts at the desired radius (each coil may have a different "radius" to the W plate)
    • will be positioning using stick micrometers to the surface of the W belly plates, so the W thickness as well as the epoxy will come into play as well
  • Dose on the upstream o-ring
    • a W bar on either side near the o-ring seems to be sufficient
    • Cip will send dimensions and locations to Jim Kelsey, and Ernie
    • Mike will get the interface document updated
  • Bellows 7
    • leak tight
    • Susceptibility good (< 10E-3) everywhere except where they welded a NAMEPLATE !?!

Status Reports not covered by urgent items

Business arising from status reports

  • Note: Next Monday is an MIT holiday


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