Optics Meeting Feb 28 2023 230PM ET

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David, Zuhal, Vassu, Andrew


  1. Discussion of Vassu's attempts to make fit the fitting parameters to smooth functions of beam-energy. If the individual parameters (a, b_0, b_1... ) are each separately fit to polynomial functions of energy, need high-order (6th order?) polynomials, but this is probably over-fitting - trading strength between one term of the tracking polynomial with other terms, i.e. adjusting compensating in the r^2 term with the rr' term. We brainstormed on some alternate approaches. Need to think more on this, but David's suspicion is that the true beam-energy dependence of the fit parameters should be relatively simple, and not have a lot of "wiggles" in it (and high-order polynomials like to make wiggles).

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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403

Passcode: 4937

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