Thursday, November 8, 2018 11am ET
From Moller Wiki
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BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 International toll number: 408-740-7256 Bluejeans CODE: 734 609 7559 Bluejeans link:
- Prototype testing status (Ernie)
- Decision matrices (Shared screen)
- SC magnet
- He vs. air
- Sensitivity Study Summary (Juliette) sensitivity pdf
- MOLLER "slices" from JLAB and Stonybrook
- phase space study (Juliette) - phase space pdf
- Magnet Advisory Group Meeting Planning
- Who calls for the meeting, writes the charge?
- who are the members of the group?
- when should we have the meeting?
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