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[[Analysis_Mtg_240617 | previous meeting]] <<  >> [[Analysis_Mtg_240701 | following meeting]]
[[Analysis_Mtg_240617 | previous meeting]] <<  >> [[Analysis_Mtg_240708 | following meeting]]
== Meeting information ==
== Meeting information ==

Latest revision as of 16:52, 24 June 2024

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  11:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F226
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


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Participants: P. King, A. Sen, R. Conaway, M. Gericke, B. Blaikie, E. King, D. Armstrong, I. DeBord, S. Hoffman, B. Uduwaraarachchi, J. Tsakanikas, K. Paschke, W. Deconinck, D. Spayde, S. Chatterjee, S. Bhattarai, Z. Demiroglu, Prakash

  • Recent merge of the "QwMock Root Guide" into the main japan-MOLLER repo
  • Brief presentation of mock-data correlation testing
    • Wouter asks about the documentation of how the target parameters go into the mockdata
  • Wouter had looked briefly at replacing the MySQL++ with the BOOST MySQL library: it looks like the two libraries are fairly similar in concept, so it would likely be fairly straightforward to switch if we decided we wanted to use a MySQL database to hold analysis results.
  • When we simulate the PMT data, we do not include excess noise, we just have the smearing do to the counting statistics within each helicity event
    • The ADC channel resolution is still the VQWK resolution
    • Kent asks about splitting the mock data parameters out of the pedestal files for the detectors, or having a script to update the various columns
      • How would we be trying to update values?
  • Discussion of the counting mode goals
    • Need to find straight line tracks in the GEMs
      • Chandan is working on a version of the SBS analyzer to do this
    • Need to identify pulses in the FADC for each of the various types of detector elements: time and pulse height
    • Project GEM tracks to the thin quartz or shower max
    • Check that the scintillator fired when there is a GEM track
    • Associate the pion detector signal with hits in the thin quartz or shower max
    • Look at hits in the thin quartz not associated with a GEM track
    • Since the GEM can rotate, the projection from GEM segment to thin quartz segment will depend on the rotation
    • Correlate information with the HVMAPS and GEM tracks
    • One concept: each GEM+TS "stack" is one type of assembly, and each TQ+SM+PD segment is another type of assembly
  • We will not have a meeting on 1 July; the next 8 July.
  • I will try to prepare a poll for shifting our meeting time away from the conflict with the GEM meeting