Analysis Mtg 240708
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 11:30pm Eastern Location at JLab: CC F226 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested.
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- General discussion
- Suggestion for setting up japan-MOLLER on the ifarm machines. Add the following to your login:
module use /group/halla/modulefiles module load root module load boost
Participants: B. Blaikie, P. King, K. Paschke, S. Regmi, J. Tsakanikas, B. Uduwaraarachchi, D. Spayde, D. Adhikari, O. Hansen, I. DeBord, Z. Demiroglu, S. Chatterjee
- Will be merging the Hall A beamline PR into the main branch later today
- The UVa and Manitoba groups had been working on putting in the rates and asymmetries for the main detectors but don't have an update yet
- Issac and Paul are looking at an issue with the mock data parameter loading for the injector data, where it is not actually using the mock_data_parameters file for the injector subsystem
- This may lead to a natural way to move the detector mock-data parameters out of the pedestal file
- Kent and Joachim took a look at being able to disable the mock-data generation routines by using a compilation switch
- They found it is somewhat messy and difficult to disentangle.
- Should we try to refactor the Mockable to make it easier to switch off mock-data generation, or consider a fork in which we remove the mock-data generation entirely?
- Paul will take a look at refactoring to separate out the mock-data functions
- Arindam will be meeting with Chandan soon to start developing an analyzer for the FADC test stand
- Ole will try to compile the main branch on MacOS to see if we have resolved those problems