Simulation Meeting September 21 2021 11AM ET

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  1. TID doses in the torus region: Ciprian slides
  2. PS Bunker shielding update: Zhuhal slides
  3. Photon Scraper and new Collimator 5 design: Chandan docDB797
  4. Shower-max dose estimates - Dustin -docDB794



  1. TID doses in the torus region: Estimate the total ionization dose in the US torus region. Check TID on rubber that is going to be used on water cooled lead. Then estimate the TID on silicon behind the lintel area for potential locations of magnetic probes.
  2. Power supply bunker shielding update by Zhuhal: Two configurations were tested (16 1.4 m thick concrete walls for PS bunker and 18 tweaks for PS bunker walls, shower max and DS beam pipe included). With config-18 the energy deposits on the power supply box inside the bunker are acceptable.
  3. Photon Scraper and new Collimator 5 design by Chandan: New design for photon scraper to make more clearance in sub-coil 1 2 and 3 regions. The new collimator 5 defines the acceptance precisely and there is ~3mm alignment tolerance. To-do Create new photon and ep-envelopes for engineers with the photon scraper
  4. Shower-max dose estimates by Dustin: Preparations for Director's review

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