Simulation Meeting March 19 2020 10AM ET
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Simulation Task List Updated 2019
- Simulation tasks (new)
File:MOLLER Tasks List v8 Sim.doc
- Immediate simulation tasks to complete - Ciprian, Sakbi, Chandan
Attendance: Chandan, Sakib, David Kashy, Dustin, Krishna, Michael, Ruben, Sandesh, Randy, Wouter
- Chandan:
- test simulations on blocks of Pb with electrons, neutrons, gammas
- implementing beampipe drawings from Dave Kashy
- Sakib:
- sources of photon background from real shielding
- full geo, full geo - shower max shielding, full geo - shower max and shielding
- lead shielding causes 50 GHz of 1-10 MeV photon background
- showermax itself causes 40 GHz
- lead collars causes 80 GHz
- still looking for source of 100 GHz
- full geo, full geo - shower max shielding, full geo - shower max and shielding
- sources of photon background from real shielding
- Cip's slides (presented by Sakib):
- full shielding studies, posted in doc db
- Sakib:
- raster rate sensitivity of 3.9% (Moller), 17.2% (elastic)
- David Kashy:
- update on magnet design
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