Simulation Meeting February 6 2020 10AM ET

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Simulation Task List Updated 2019


  • Immediate simulation tasks to complete - Ciprian, Sakib, Chandan


Attendance: Rakitha, Ciprian, Michael, Chandan, Sakib, Dustin, Wouter


  • Dustin is in charge of optical simulation, qsim. Michael wants to know radiation on transmission loss.
  • Ciprian: Current ongoing work
    • Segment vs Hybrid
    • radial detector size optimization.
    • Deconvolution of ep and ee study.
  • Sakib: Segment vs Hybrid
    • The main goal of the segmented design study is to check If there is a version of segmented that we can replace the hybrid design. Jlab engineers working on this.
    • JLab have a newer map for segmented design and Sakib will look at it when they provide it.
    • Upstream magnet field scale factor needs to be incorporated into the field map. JLab engineers will try to do this
  • Dustin and Michael: Cost estimation and detector optimization will have to be redone and Dustin mentioned that cost will go up for most recent design changes.
  • line of sight photon from before col-1 increase at the detector plane. Chandan investigating why it increased.

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