Simulation Meeting February 25 2021 2PM ET

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  1. Slit scattering from collimators and envelope update: Chandan docDB693


Ruben, Sudip Bhattarai, Jim Fast, Devi Adhikari, Rakitha Beminiwattha, Chandan Ghosh, Eric Sun Probir Ghoshal, Ciprian Gal, sakib, Nafis Rafat, Mark L. Pitt, Elham Gorgannejad, Paul King Kk, Zhongling Ji, ROBIN WINES, Michael Gericke, Juliette Mammei, Sandesh Gopinath, Kent Paschke, Wouter


  1. slit scattering from collimators: Chandan
    1. observed slit scattering on Col-2 and Col-4 that require further attention. We will go back to this maybe in Summer
    2. Compared two methods to get envelopes. Contour method vs. moving average. People preferred the contour method over the moving average due to arbitrary cuts in the moving method. Chandan will followup up on this later.
    3. Envelope will be ready next week.
    4. once envelopes finalized add 3 mm shell and analyze energy deposit. For later to be revisited.
  2. Different method to install remoll (more details to follow!) - Wouter

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