Simulation Meeting April 16 2020 10AM ET

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Simulation Task List Updated 2019


  • Background simulation update - Ciprian, Sakib, Chandan
    • Chandan: Geometry update and background estimate at the GEM electronics and electronics hut.
    • general picture PMT region, SAM, dump donut: Ciprian docDB577


Attendance: Rakitha, Ruben Fair, Sakib Rahman, David Kashy, Sashi Kakkar, Chandan, Hanjie Liu, Ciprian Gal, Cameron Clarke, Michael Gericke, Sandesh Gopinath, Dustin McNulty, Krishna Kumar


  • Ciprian's update on background simulation
    • 100 million simulations started with V2 geometry, see slide 2 for geometry.
    • photon all energy source for roof and for the hall shown. Interesting to see dump has many sources.
    • New lead donut at shower max to protect ring 5. This reduced to optimized only block what we need. This is also the pion wall for the pion detector. the main goal is the reject elections before the pion detector.It is 20 cm thick.
    • Chandan had questions about streaks appearing near the detector hut that looks like on the floor.
    • 2D plots color axis are particles per electron
    • all energy neutron breaks down at the detector plane slide 8
    • the diffuser produces a considerable amount of energy weighted hits at the detector
    • diffuser increases the neutron background
    • David suggested the possibility of more shielding near the diffuser
    • col-2 increases electron background
    • The above two background elements can be further optimized later
    • NIEL estimates for electronics shown in slide 18
    • The dump is not a major issue except for neutrons which we can further improve with shielding
    • Detector area radiation dose is shown in the summary
    • What we need around PMT area for shielding needs to be discussed as a next step
    • at the moment what we have is only a sensitive detector. No PMT structures in the main simulation
    • we can use this radiation at the detector level and they use detailed detector geometry only simulation to estimate high-resolution radiation dose levels at different detector geometries.
    • The current simulation has sensitive detectors where SAM will be located DS of main detectors
    • Slide 19 showed the radiation from the hall and from the dump into the SAM
    • Dump donut is called aperture point
  • Deadlines for writeup:
    • epoxy dose estimation summary followup with Juliette about earlier summary.
    • Radiation load on detector area, Micheal and Dustin Then followup with Jim. schedule a meeting on first week of May with Jim.
    • GEM front end electronic radiation load, Cip, Chandan, and Nilanga
  • Chandan Geometry update:
    • final two bounce update
    • We will have to redo some of these two bounce analysis once we merge the col-1 and col-2
    • GEM electronic dose: they are placed right in front of tracking detectors, radius 1420 to 1460 mm
    • the dose needs to be below NIEL 1e13 in side the electronic hut.

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