Optics Meeting Jun 27 2023 200PM ET

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David, Sayak, Vassu, Paul S., Kent, Ciprian, Kent, Zuhal, Andrew, Tyler


  1. (Kent, David) MIT engineers wanted the number of holes (21) and diameter (5 mm) for use in their bid package. Detailed locations of holes can be adjusted later, but we have passed on the above numbers for now.
  2. (all) Discussion of updates on slit scattering effect: will look at theta, phi residuals from single 12C foil for 1,2 and 3 pass, and compare for all events after a cut in slit scattering (based on deltaE, and/or change in angle before and after sieve) with the case for all events. Need to plot deltaE distribution to see if our initial guess of a cut at 10 MeV makes sense, and similar thing for delta_theta and delta_phi to decide where to put those cuts. There are very few events that fail a 10 MeV delta_E cut and that would be used in the reconstruction fits.
  3. (Vassu, Ciprian) We should also do our track reconstruction fits with rate-weighting for two reasons: a) there may be a bias in the rate across the holes due to cross sections and b) pathological low-cross section events may distort results in a way that would not happen with real data or with cross-section weighting.
  4. (Tyler) Has gotten simulation files with single foil; realized that we should add two columns to the csv file with the event-by-event results to include the hole center phi and theta, while retaining the Monte Carlo "truth" values for theta and phi.
  5. (David) No meeting next week (July 4th holiday); we can hope to present slit scattering analysis results to simulations meeting on July 6th.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer Finch for Zoom link