Optics Meeting Feb 28 2024 1100AM ET
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- Kinematic Factor: First Look (Vassu) [1]
David, Sayak, Vassu, Buddhika, Andrew, Tyler, Hanjie, Paul S., Ciprian, Juliette, Zuhal
- (David) Sieve vendors ask if 90/10 W/Cu or pure W is preferred? We have responded that we have designed for 90/10, but pure W would be even better (the effect is only slight).
- (Vassu and Kate) working on generating all the files for the new (single) 12C foil positions, all 4 beam passes, and the pass-5 no-seven lH2 Moller scattering data.
- (Vassu) First look at kinematic factor; compare "true" kinematic factor (using vertex kinematics) to that extracted using the theta reconstructed at the sieve to get E', and then with the incident beam energy (11.0 GeV) to get the KF. Puzzle - while the two distributions are qualitatively similar, the "true" distribution is broader when plotted as a 2D distribution of theta vs the kinematic factor. Also see that the distribution for "y = E'/E" is broader for the "true" than for the reconstructed. How can this be?
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans, or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link