Optics Meeting Feb 21 2024 1100AM ET
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David, Klaus, Chuan Sun, Paul S, Ciprian, Sayak, Kate, Juliette, Vassu, Hanjie, Tyler, Buddhika U.
- (Kate): will update locations of sieve and blocker in remoll for the out-of-beam cause to match the design drawings; probably shouldn't make any difference to background simulations, but might as well get it correct. The "in beam" positions we have been using in the special branch dealing with the sieve/blocker, but these have not yet been included in the "develop" branch for remoll. Kate will work to get that push request.
- (Bill, for DaiJon): working on analyzing Moller events that hit the GEM "ribs" in remoll. Has MySql database up and running on same SBU server that will be used for serving the MOLLER DocDB; at present it has a prototype "efficiency map" for an SBU GEM, based on a 2mmx2mm grid of relative efficiency obtained using x-rays. Uses our planned GEM numbering scheme GEM_1_3 is GEm plane 1, module 3 for naming. Bill proposes using the crossing point of the vertical rib with the innermost horizontal rib is the "0,0" of the local GEM coordinate system for the efficiency map; however, the UVA GEMs will have the ribs in different locations, so might need to think a bit about whether this is best origin to define.
- (Bill): new undergrad engineering student at SBU (Ronin) will design a shipping box for the SBU GEMs, with positive pressure and shock absorbers so the 11 SBU GEMs could be safely transported to JLab.
- (Kate/Vassu): the updated 12C foil locations and dimensions are now in local branch of remoll, and Kate and Vassu have divided up the tasks to submit the simulations we need next: 12C elastics and Mollers from all 4 passes for the 3 foil locations, and also lH2 Mollers with no sieve.
- (Tyler): making progress on the C++ fitting: using a Root class TMultiDimFitfor the multidimensional polynomial fits, working to understand how to use that class.
- (Kate): Discussion with Juliette to clarify which magnetic field maps are available and how they are distorted fro the ideal case. Made plots of the arrival location at the MD plane for non-scattered electrons (i.e. events that simply passed through the target) using the Beam generator - in ideal case, see a nice "star" pattern, with the "worst case" distorted field map see clear evidence of a dipole field component along beam line, as expected.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans, or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link