Optics Meeting Aug 23 2022 230PM ET
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- Sieve hole phi offset update [Vassu][1]
Vassu, Zuhal, Ciprian, Brynna, James, Nathan, Bill, Kate
- For passes 1, 2, and 3, each hole can be confined within one of the GEM locations.
- Hole 51 (r = 39 mm phi = -8 degrees)
- This hole doesn't appear to move much in phi even with the large phi offset.
- Keep it where it is so that we can understand and investigate the level of azimuthal defocusing at different radii.
- Each GEM rotation configuration (red, green, and black) contain either zero phi offset holes, negative phi offset holes, or positive phi offset holes.
- Efficiency at the edged of the GEMs?
- Look at SBS GEM efficiencies.
- How close to the edge of the GEM active region can we be?
- In progress: look into relative moller vs elasticC12 rates and their separation.
Meeting link information
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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403
Passcode: 4937
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