Optics Meeting Aug 22 2023 200PM ET

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  • Argon Gas volume Bill update Aug 17.pdf Bill


David, Kate, Andrew, Bill, Paul S., Ciprian, Zuhal


  1. (David) proposed move of future meeting times to Wednesdays 11:00 am (Eastern)
  2. (Bill) Incorporation of Ar/CO2 (70/30 mix) gas volume into remoll: one layer only, at present. Present size matches full GEM volume, will need to pare it down to the active area. 3mm thick. Frames/ribs are not yet included in this version. Numbering convention similar to that used for ShowerMax (detector 0 at beam right, increases in clockwise direction, as looking downstream). To make fair comparisons to distributions at the same Z in the parallel plane detector (Detector 32), would need to have the same cuts on phi distribution. May wish to compare for primary electrons only.
  3. (all) Suggestions for next steps: 1) turn off boundary hits and look at deposited energy in the gas volume, especially for incident gammas. 2) add the other three layers (need to move the downstream detectors out radially to avoid volume overlaps 3) Put in trigger scintillators 4) Set up to be able to go to our planned three rotation angles.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link